24 Hours In Béziers | Discover One Of France’s Oldest Towns In Only One Day | Art of Saudade

Ah, southern France… the scents of the Mediterranean, the fabulous history, and the architecture remaining its most loyal witness.

Today I wonder if we can discover Béziers, one of the most beautiful historical towns in the South of France… in less than 24 hours! C’est parti !

You can arrive in Béziers by plane (yep, the town has an airport!), car, bus, or train (the experience of taking the train in France is amazing. It’s fast, and sometimes quite affordable.)

Béziers is located about 10 km from the Mediterranean coast and attracts most of its visitors in August, during the bullfighting event Féria de Béziers, which I absolutely do NOT support (sorry to hurt your patriotic feelings if you’re a French fan of the bullfighting traditions).

But that’s a whole other topic… now let’s admire this town’s pure charm. 😍


This charming French town dates from 575 BC and as you can imagine, it has a lot of stories to tell. Béziers was one of the towns that were conquered by the Albigeois Crusaders in the 13th century. 

You don’t remember who these guys were? 🙈 Check out my post about the Cathars!

Speaking of the middle ages, Cathars, and crusaders, the magnificent high towers of the Saint Nazaire Cathedral are here to witness this mysterious part of history. 

Built around the 12th century, this cathedral has an amazing view over the valley and the view inside is absolutely breathtaking. 

View from the top of the Cathedral
Yes, you have to climb these stairs in order to get there. It’s not scary, I promise!
Inside the cathedral
Another amazing view! But you’ll have to climb those stairs. I warned you.
Another view that screams “Southern France”


Théâtre municipal de Béziers

Founded in 1842, this Italian-style theater is part of the city’s decor. An important place for cultural events and public events, the municipal theater of Béziers offers classical and opera concerts, dance, circus, and shows for young audiences.

When Nature and Poetry meet…

Plateau des Poètes

The poets’ plateau is one of the most serene places I’ve ever been to. Vast and well-maintained, this garden is dedicated to poetic meditation. You’ll also discover some Occitan poets (from the South of France), which is a sign that the town is proud of its local language and culture.

The Occitan language, also known as the language of the poets, is a Romance language spoken in the South of France that, along with other local languages, was forbidden at the beginning of the 20th century for nationalistic reasons. Today, it’s becoming more cherished and respected, and you can find more Occitan speakers or people willing to learn this language.

Stay tuned for more posts about the Occitan poets and their works!

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