Languages Matter | Polyglot Gathering In Poland 2022 | Art of Saudade

Languages shape our thoughts and the way we see the world. We have all heard the saying “to have another language is to possess a second soul”. Today, more than ever, we can all learn a new language and acquire a new soul. 

Find out how Kato Lomb, one of the most efficient polyglots of the 20th century, acquired more than 16 different languages as an adult!

The polyglot community continues to grow and languages become increasingly important (a special thanks to globalization!).

A Polyglot Gathering is organized every year in different countries, where language enthusiasts can meet like-minded people, practice languages, and get inspired by all the amazing talks and conferences. 

This year the Polyglot Gathering took place in Poland, the land of Chopin and Esperanto. With dozens of topics related to languages, such as presentations and workshops in Aramaic, Baltic languages, and Finnish, language enthusiasts could expand their knowledge of languages.

Warsaw, Poland
One of the best pianists, Fryderyk Chopin, was born in Poland.

Participants also got the chance to discover the beauty of constructed languages, such as Esperanto and Interslavic.

I guess I’m joining the tribe!

We learn languages by having fun, and that is why there were entertaining activities such as an international culinary festival, a language quiz, polyglot karaoke and disco, as well as a multilingual concert.

One of the most important topics this year was the attitude that needs to be adopted when learning a foreign language. Fluency can only be achieved with the right mindset and no excuses such as “I am too old to learn languages”, or “I have no time/money to learn languages” are valid.

So, what is the next language you are learning? 🤓

“If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.”

– Nelson Mandela

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