Daily Dose Of Street Art In Montpellier, France | Art of Saudade

From cave paintings to contemporary art, artworks confirm that human beings just cannot keep their feelings inside themselves. Coincidentally (or not), prehistoric art and modern-day street art have something in common – using walls to create art. Are we being loyal to our ancestors, or have we never really evolved?

Some of the earliest cave paintings representing depictions of rhinoceros and wild animals were discovered in France. Sorry to disappoint you but, what you’ll see below is not a 32.000-year-old Chauvet cave painting. It is contemporary street art that can be seen today on the walls of Montpellier, in the south of France.

Ceci n’est pas une grotte

Yes, anything can be street art. Any idea or feeling you decide to express using the creativity of your Stone Age ancestors. Be careful though, don’t forget that in the times you live, most of it can be illegal.

Well, in the warm city of Montpellier, even the weirdest unicorn (?) drawings on the wall seem to be tolerated. This place is incredibly proud of its street art culture.

Types of Street Art in Montpellier

Graffiti, stencils, or stickers… when you walk the streets of Montpellier, it is impossible not to stop and observe these unique artistic expressions.

Mural fresco, Place Saint Roch

Located in front of the Saint Roch Cathedral, this mural fresco reflects the church’s façade, as well as the cafés and the lifestyle of locals in the neighborhood. Where do you draw the line between art and reality?

Life imitates art far more than art imitates life.”

Oscar Wilde
Mural fresco , Place Édouard Adam⁣

Daily dose of Street Art from the streets of Montpellier

Most of the street artists write directly their name or decide to stay anonymous
Rest assured, there are fewer RATatouilles in Montpellier than in Paris
Yes, this is street art, too.

Last but not least, the following artistic expression will make you reconsider the use of bikes…

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