5 Reasons Why Visiting Marseille Is A Good Idea | Myths & Clichés Debunked | Art of Saudade

The mild Mediterranean climate, a complex fusion of cultural and historical heritage, and inspirational contemporary artists…

These are some of the reasons why you should consider adding Marseille to your bucket list.

Mediterranean Climate

Marseille is one of the French cities with the most pleasant climate. If you want to enjoy the Mediterranean sun, Marseille is waiting for you in the summer. If you decide to visit the city in autumn or winter, expect a cold, dry wind coming from the Sahara desert. All in all, there is something special about the Mediterranean climate and it is one of the most memorable characteristics of Marseille.


Marseille is one of the cultural centers of France. Besides the History and Civilization Museums devoted to promoting the cultures of Mediterranean civilization, the city is home to the Museum Regards de Provence, where you will find a collection of popular artworks from the region of Provence.

Raising awareness about plastic pollution, Museum Regards de Provence

Last but not least, you can’t leave Marseille without visiting the Marseille Soap Museum, where you can discover the art of soap making and why it is so important for the city. 


This beautiful city located on the Mediterranean coastline is the oldest city in France. Founded by Greek settlers around 600 BC, Marseille (originally Massalia), was one of the most important commercial centers of Europe.

The cosmopolitan city inherited its multiculturalism from the past and has some of the largest Jewish, Arab, and African communities in Europe. As a result, you’ll be delighted to discover some of the best world cuisines and traditions. 

Street Art

Independent art is everywhere in Marseille. Each work of art you’ll see on the streets tells a story.

Take a minute to admire it. 

By the way, check out the fabulous street art of Montpellier:


There is no shortage of natural wonders in Marseille. Starting from the Frioul archipelago to the Calanques National Park and the Old Port, the city that smells like sea and soap will offer you the most awe-inspiring views. The Old Port of Marseille is the most popular pedestrian place and once you’re there, you’ll understand why it was such an important trading post, as well as the most important commercial and cultural center of France. 

Today, the vibrant city of Marseille continues to tell a story. The story of soap producers who inherited their craftsmanship from the past, the story of cultures, traditions, and languages coexisting in perfect harmony. 

Myths & Clichés Debunked:
“Marseille is a dangerous city”

Even though Marseille is often rated as one of the most dangerous cities in France, it is important to know that just like any city in the world, there are districts that are less safe and that should be avoided. For instance, the Northern districts of Marseille are often told to be unsafe for travelers. However, visiting Marseille is like visiting any other city in terms of safety.

Focus on the city’s remarkable beauty and enjoy! 

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