Beyond the Selfie Stick: How Voluntourism Can Help You Connect with the World

Imagine embarking on a journey to another country where the sun-kissed skies and enchanting landscapes mesmerize you at every turn. Now, picture yourself lending a helping hand to the locals and making a real difference in their lives. That’s the beauty of voluntourism – the perfect blend of adventure, self-discovery, and social responsibility.

This is where it all started.

Portugal has been on my bucket list for years, but this time it’s different. I’m not just visiting as a tourist, taking pictures and ticking boxes. I’m here to immerse myself in the Portuguese way of living, to make a difference, and to experience the true essence of this beautiful country.

My previous experience in Portugal left me yearning for more, eager to explore beyond the borders of that charming small town:

#1 The more time you spend in a foreign country, the more you should be prepared for cultural shocks.

My journey has led me to a small town where I have the opportunity to participate in the European Solidarity Corps, a program that allows me to become part of the local community and take action in the fields of education, ecology, and event management. From the moment I arrived, I was welcomed with open arms by the friendly and hospitable locals, who are eager to show me their way of life.

So, what is voluntourism?

Voluntourism can take many forms, from teaching children to constructing homes for the needy or contributing to ecological projects. It’s a chance to connect with people from different walks of life and understand their struggles and aspirations. This involves traveling to a destination with the intention of engaging in volunteer work while also experiencing the local culture and attractions.

#2 The struggle of avoiding attachment

However, in my estimation, it’s important to strike a balance between fully immersing ourselves in a place and maintaining a healthy detachment. After all, we are travelers, not residents, and our time in a place is often finite.

In my experience, spending no more than 6 months in a place can help prevent us from becoming too attached and allow us to fully appreciate the experience without getting bogged down in the day-to-day routines of life. This is something that my time as an Erasmus exchange student taught me.

As I settle into my new surroundings, I’m quickly learning that voluntourism is not just about giving back to the community, but also about personal growth and self-discovery. I find myself stepping out of my comfort zone, trying new things, and learning about myself in the process.

But it’s not just about the work. It’s about the people, the food, and the culture. Spending lazy afternoons chatting with locals in the town square, sipping on strong Portuguese coffee, and tasting traditional pastries make the whole experience priceless.

Finally, this teaches me that we can be more than just passive observers when traveling. To anyone considering voluntourism, just go for it. Immerse yourself in a new culture, try new things, and most importantly, make a difference. Your experience will be unforgettable, and the impact you make can last a lifetime.

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