Overcoming Post-Erasmus Depression: Tips for Embracing Life After Studying Abroad | Art of Saudade

As the world becomes more connected, it’s easier than ever to travel and experience new cultures. For students, programs like Erasmus offer a unique opportunity to live and study in a foreign country, gaining new perspectives and creating lifelong memories. 

But what happens when the program ends and you have to return home?

Many students experience what’s known as Post-Erasmus Depression, a sense of loss and sadness as they leave behind all the friends and experiences they’ve gained during their time abroad.

As an ex-Erasmus student, I can relate to the feelings of this phenomenon. My time in France was a kaleidoscope of life lessons and emotions. The vibrant landscapes, the rich mix of cultures, and the people I met made every moment a precious treasure that I will cherish for a lifetime. But leaving France felt like leaving behind a part of myself, a piece of my heart that had intertwined with the streets and the people, the language and the customs.

Erasmus students are not always sure what the next step would be or how to move forward with life. Saudade is a strong feeling and it’s important to transform it into gold. These are some of the things I did to cope with my post-Erasmus melancholy:

Create an Erasmus journal

Every day during my stay, I wrote down my experiences, thoughts, and feelings. I included pictures and mementos from my time abroad, which helped me to remember all of the incredible moments that I had experienced.

Stay in touch with friends

After the program ends, we all follow our own path, often ending up in different corners of the world. Despite the distance, these friendships can still thrive thanks to modern technology. With social media platforms and messaging apps, it’s easier than ever to stay connected with friends, recall fond memories, and provide support to each other. Whether it’s sharing photos, catching up on life events, or offering a listening ear, the bonds formed during Erasmus will continue to flourish, even if friends are continents apart.

Rediscover the world with new eyes

I made sure to keep myself busy by trying new hobbies and exploring my home country with fresh eyes. That’s the moment I thought of creating a blog, embarking on a journey of discovery and wonder, eager to explore the world and capture its essence in words.

It took me months to realize that it’s important to cherish the moment and stay positive about the future after a life-changing experience. So, if you’re experiencing post-Erasmus depression, know that you’re not alone. Take some time to reflect on your experiences, stay connected with your friends, and keep exploring the world around you. Keep creating memories that will live on!

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