Enchanting Facts About This Europe’s Hidden Jewel | Ohrid, Macedonia | Art of Saudade

Lake Ohrid, a serene masterpiece over 3 million years in the making, glistens beneath the azure sky of Macedonia. Its tranquil waters reflect the city’s rich history, beckoning you to unravel the stories held within.

Step into a realm where devotion takes architectural form. The “City of 365 Churches”, also known as the “Jerusalem of the Balkans”, reveals a spiritual tapestry that spans centuries. Among them, the Church of St. John at Kaneo stands proudly, a sentinel of the past, watching over the shimmering lake.

Each church is a chapter in Ohrid’s tale, waiting to be read. No need to be super religious to visit all of them. They hide precious historical secrets to be discovered.

Founded by ancient Macedonians in 353 BC, Ohrid wears its antiquity with grace. From Roman legacies to Byzantine marvels, each corner reveals fragments of empires long gone, etching their legacy into every stone.

Roman Theater in Ohrid
Samuel’s Fortress (Medieval Times)

View from Samuel’s Fortress

Bay of Bones (Prehistoric times)

Ohrid, the birthplace of the Cyrillic alphabet, resonates with the power of the written word. The alphabet used by Orthodox Slavs today in Eastern Europe was most likely created by Saints Naum and Clement, based on the initial Glagolitic script created by the brothers Cyril and Methodius. This city exudes an intellectual air, a realm where language blooms and letters come alive.

Saint Naum Monastery

Dating back millions of years, this incredible lake boasts a maximum depth of a whopping 288 meters (945 feet) – that’s like stacking three Statues of Liberty on top of each other underwater! So, when you’re admiring the picturesque towns of Ohrid and Struga or enjoying the breathtaking views, remember that you’re also gazing upon the secrets of a truly ancient aquatic wonder!

Immerse yourself in the captivating culture of Ohrid, where the past and present come alive in a mesmerizing tapestry of experiences, flavors, and sounds.

At the Ohrid Summer Festival, history resonates through brilliant performances, blending art, music, and shared emotions into a spectacular showcase. The city’s heartbeat pulses to the rhythm of diverse music festivals, from classical to jazz, uniting with Macedonian melodies that fill the air and beckon you to dance.

Ohrid’s allure is a symphony of history, nature, and artistry, waiting for you to become a part of its story. Let the whispers of its past and the magic of its present guide you on an unforgettable odyssey.

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