Montenegro’s Serene Shores: Exploring the Beauty of Budva and Ulcinj | Art of Saudade

Montenegro, often described as the hidden gem of the Balkans, offers travelers an enchanting blend of history, stunning beaches, and a laid-back lifestyle. In this post, we’ll take you on a journey through two picturesque coastal towns, Budva and Ulcinj, where the sea kisses the shore, history comes to life, and the vibrant cultural scene will inspire even the most seasoned poets.

Budva: Where the Sea Meets History and Culture

Budva, with its pristine beaches and rich historical heritage, is a true Mediterranean paradise. The azure waters of the Adriatic Sea stretch out before you, inviting you to bask in the sun or take a refreshing dip. But there’s more to Budva than just its beaches.

History and Architecture: Walking through the old town of Budva feels like stepping back in time. The town’s ancient walls, cobblestone streets, and well-preserved architecture provide a glimpse into its storied past. Marvel at the Venetian-style citadel and the graceful St. John’s Church, both of which stand as testament to Budva’s historical significance.

Cultural Life and the Square of Poets: Budva’s cultural scene is thriving, and one of the highlights is the Square of Poets. This charming square has been an inspiration for poets and artists for centuries. Its lively atmosphere, surrounded by cafes and art galleries, offers a glimpse into Montenegrin creativity and hospitality.

The Montenegrin Way: 100% Relaxed

Montenegrins are known for their relaxed attitude towards life. When you arrive in Montenegro, you’ll quickly notice that no one is rushing. It’s a place where you can truly unwind and have a real vacation, free from the hustle and bustle of the modern world.

As I traveled through Montenegro, I had a memorable experience that perfectly encapsulates the local way of life. When my bus was late, I began to worry about missing my connection to Budva in Kotor. However, I soon learned that delays are commonplace in the Balkans, and the locals assured me that it was all part of the charm. I took their advice to heart and relaxed, eventually realizing that it was an opportunity to savor the moment. My time in Kotor turned into an unexpected delight, and I had the chance to savor some truly amazing food prepared with love.

Ulcinj: A Glimpse of Montenegro’s Southern Beauty

Ulcinj, located in the southern part of Montenegro, is a lesser-known gem with much to offer.

Sea Views and Roman Architecture: The town offers breathtaking sea views from its hills, providing a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle. Explore the remnants of Roman architecture and archaeology, which add a layer of historical depth to this charming coastal town.

Sunsets in Ulcinj: Don’t miss the spectacular sunsets in Ulcinj. They are a testament to the natural beauty of Montenegro’s coastline and an unforgettable way to end your day.

Engaging with Locals: A Glimpse into Montenegro’s Heart

One of the most enriching aspects of traveling through Montenegro is the opportunity to connect with its warm and open-hearted locals. During my stay in Budva and Ulcinj, I had the privilege of talking to several locals who were eager to share their stories and insights about life in this remarkable country.

I vividly remember a conversation with a kind lady who took me to the bus station in Ulcinj. She spoke nostalgically about her youth in Yugoslavia, a time when the country was united and thriving. The sense of freedom and financial stability they enjoyed during those years left an indelible mark on her. She recalled the union between the various Balkan peoples and the shared sense of brotherhood that prevailed.

However, as the 1990s unfolded, the Balkans were plunged into a series of conflicts that ultimately led to the dissolution of Yugoslavia. She described how these wars shattered the stability they once knew, leaving scars that still linger today. Many young people in her family and community are grappling with unemployment, a stark contrast to the opportunities they once had.

Josip Broz Tito, president of Yugoslavia

In the face of these challenges, Montenegro has found solace and economic sustenance in tourism, which is a cornerstone of the local economy. The lady I spoke to emphasized the importance of supporting local families, especially those who run family-owned hotels and accommodations. She shared that these businesses rely on tourism to survive, and every room booked in their establishments contributes to the livelihood of these families.

View from a family-run hotel in Ulcinj

So, I wholeheartedly echo her sentiment and offer a recommendation to fellow travelers: When you visit Montenegro, opt for family-run hotels and accommodations instead of large chain hotels. Not only will you experience the warmth and hospitality of the locals firsthand, but you’ll also play a part in sustaining their communities and preserving the essence of Montenegro.

A Few Notes of Caution

While Montenegro is a paradise, there are some things to keep in mind:

1) Beware of Overcharging: Unfortunately, some locals may try to charge tourists more. Be vigilant and know the standard prices for goods and services.

2) Nightlife: If you’re seeking a quiet family vacation, be aware that some areas, especially in Budva and Ulcinj, can be lively and loud at night. This might not be suitable for families with young children.

3) Contrast in Values: Montenegro, like many places, has its contrasts. While it offers stunning beauty and rich culture, you may encounter homelessness amidst the party scene in bars. It’s a reminder of the complexity of modern life even in the most idyllic settings.

Montenegro’s Budva and Ulcinj are a harmonious blend of history, natural beauty, and a serene lifestyle that invites you to slow down, savor the moment, and experience the true essence of the Balkans. So, pack your bags and get ready to explore this charming corner of the world, where the sea whispers secrets of the past and the culture is as warm as the Adriatic sun.

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