Netflix & Learn: A Linguistic Adventure in Uruguayan Spanish through a Documentary Journey | Art of Saudade

In the era of streaming, Netflix has become a treasure trove for language enthusiasts seeking to immerse themselves in the richness of different dialects and idioms. One such documentary that offers a linguistic adventure is the captivating exploration of Uruguay’s history and culture through the eyes of its “poorest president,” Pepe Mujica, as interviewed by the legendary Emir Kusturica in “El Pepe, a Supreme Life”. Beyond the narrative of Mujica’s extraordinary life, this documentary serves as a language-learning goldmine, providing a unique opportunity to delve into the idiomatic expressions of Uruguayan Spanish.

Emir Kusturica’s documentary takes us deep into Uruguay, uncovering its people, history, and its language. Through genuine interviews with former president Pepe Mujica, we get a taste of authentic Uruguayan Spanish. It’s a chance to soak in local idioms and expressions you won’t find in textbooks—a simple, insightful journey into the heart of Uruguay’s unique linguistic charm.

Some of my vocabulary notes

Netflix goes beyond mere language preferences, offering a valuable tool for language learners through its subtitle options. By enabling subtitles in both the original language and the viewer’s native tongue, learners can elevate their understanding. This dual-subtitle approach becomes a passport to exploring specific vocabulary, idioms, and even grammatical structures in context. In essence, a documentary session transforms into a dynamic and immersive language class. Additionally, the ability to read action descriptions, like the example “tractor arranca,” provides an extra layer of practical language exposure, making the learning experience richer and more multifaceted.

Beyond the colorful idioms, documentaries like this one provide an opportunity to understand intricate grammatical structures within a real-life context. Take Mujica’s statement, “No seríamos lo que somos, si no hubiéramos tenido una coyuntura tan dramática y adversa.” Here, viewers not only gain historical insight but also delve into the subjunctive mood, a key element of Spanish grammar. It’s not just about absorbing language; it’s about grasping the nuances that textbooks often struggle to convey, turning a documentary into a living Spanish lesson.

Some of my grammar notes

Netflix, with its detailed descriptions of actions like “chasquido” or verbs such as “sorber” and “escupir,” adds a valuable layer of contextual understanding.


Seeing these actions play out on screen while simultaneously hearing and reading the words enhances the learning experience, especially for those not immersed in the language’s native environment.

To make the most of your language-learning journey on Netflix, adopt the habit of taking notes. Grab a pen and notebook, jot down unfamiliar words, expressions, and grammatical structures. This active engagement enhances retention and provides a valuable resource for future reference.

To make the most of your language-learning journey on Netflix, you can adopt the habit of taking notes. Grab a pen and notebook, and jot down unfamiliar words, expressions, and grammatical structures. This active engagement enhances retention and provides a valuable resource for future reference.

By immersing yourself in documentaries like Kusturica’s exploration of Uruguay with Pepe Mujica, you not only absorb the local idioms but also gain a deeper understanding of the culture and history that shapes the language. So, the next time you hit play, remember: Netflix isn’t just about chilling, it is also about enriching your language skills one documentary at a time.

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