On the Art of Humbleness | Art of Saudade

The word ‘humble’ comes from the Latin humilis (“low, slight”) or the ability to become smaller, to go lower. Now compare the original Greek term, χαμαλός (khamalós), from humus (“the earth, ground”), humi (“on the ground”). Interestingly, ‘humiliating’ has the same origins. Yet, humbleness is an art of life, while humiliating is a disconnection from life. Humiliating others or oneself has nothing to do with humbleness. In fact, we are talking about words that derive from the same etymon yet are on two opposite sides of the spectrum.

Humbleness is an art. Some people are naturally humble, and others are naturally full of themselves and arrogant. However, here is some good news for the latter: humbleness is an art that can be practiced and mastered. What are the benefits of being ‘low’ in this modern society, which constantly repeats that we should go ‘up’? Does being ‘on the ground’ mean that we undervalue ourselves, or does it simply show how human we are? Why is humbleness losing its meaning and becoming closer to what is its antipode, humiliation? To be humble, in the eyes of some of today’s CEOs, billionaires, or simply coaches who wake up at 5 am every day, take a cold shower, and tell you to do the same to become successful, is nothing but humiliating oneself. That’s when two distant dots that shouldn’t be connected… are unfortunately being connected.

Now let us not discuss arrogance. Let us just reflect on the lack of humbleness. How do we happen to lose this noble human trait and even become so proud of it? The lack of humbleness is a syndrome of superiority. It is when one feels smarter, more beautiful, richer, and more successful than others. It is when one feels so superior to others that everything the others say, do, think, believe, express, or feel is not validated by the big brother. It is being judgmental when one should simply stay on the ground. It is the perspective of “I know more, you don’t,” “My decision is right, yours is not,” “My idea is fruitful, yours is not.” Losing one’s humbleness is humiliating the other. We should stay more on this sacred humus, as the Greeks would put it. You have one job while you are temporarily passing by on this pale blue dot, for God’s sake: to stay on the ground! I hope that every time you tell another that their decision is wrong, their idea is stupid, or their taste is bad, you remember the art of humbleness.

Humbleness is assuming you have so much more to learn, do, and experience in this world, that you could never say, ‘I know everything.’ Humbleness is remembering Socrates’ last words: ‘I know that I know nothing.’ Humbleness is not interfering in others’ life decisions just because you don’t have the guts to do what they are doing.

To be humble is to be human.

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