The Art of Writing an Entire Novel Without The Letter E | Georges Perec | Art of Saudade

Can you make a sentence without using the letter E? It may seem a bit hard, but not impossible. How about a 500 characters text? It’s getting more complicated, right? Now try to write a 500 pages novel without one of the most commonly used letters in the alphabet (at least in most of the European languages). Well, this is what the French author Georges … Continue reading The Art of Writing an Entire Novel Without The Letter E | Georges Perec | Art of Saudade

Dragons and Princesses: Rilke’s ideas of beauty and courage

“Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love.” Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet (1929) In his Letters to a Young Poet, the Austrian poet Rainer Maria Rilke transforms our traditional idea … Continue reading Dragons and Princesses: Rilke’s ideas of beauty and courage

Carcassonne – A Medieval Tale | Art of Saudade

When we read history, we usually perceive the historical events as something that happened a long time ago which doesn’t concern us. We rarely empathize with the people who went through difficult times, forgetting that it was the destiny of our ancestors and neglecting their real stories. Moreover, we tend to forget that history repeats itself, sometimes in different forms, but it never ceases to … Continue reading Carcassonne – A Medieval Tale | Art of Saudade

Brazilian literature: #1 Jorge Amado – Captains of the Sands

There is something mysterious and intriguing about books that were burned under dictatorships, don’t you think?  Personally, knowing that a book was prohibited by certain authorities inspires me even more to discover it. Captains of the Sands is a novel written by the Brazilian author Jorge Amado in 1937. Amado was only 25 years old when he first published the story of the abandoned children … Continue reading Brazilian literature: #1 Jorge Amado – Captains of the Sands

Learn to write from the Masters: #2 Charles Kiefer – “Para ser escritor”

The writer’s struggle for the right word is the most painful struggle. This is Charles Kiefer’s statement, Brazilian literature professor and author who shares his thoughts on the most common challenges writers face. Finding the right word, or le mot juste that Flaubert himself struggled with, is obviously one of the obstacles in the writing process. In Flaubert’s case, this struggle turned into obsession (it … Continue reading Learn to write from the Masters: #2 Charles Kiefer – “Para ser escritor”

Learn to write from the Masters: #1 Horacio Quiroga – Decalogue of the perfect storyteller

Fernando Pessoa said, “Literature is the most agreeable way of ignoring life”. However, what is truly agreeable is the final result which requires a long and painstaking work. Writers, whether they’re geniuses or amateurs, have all struggled with writer’s block. Quiroga, one of the greatest short story writers, shares 10 of his writing secrets that could help you get inspired, overcome writer’s block and finally, … Continue reading Learn to write from the Masters: #1 Horacio Quiroga – Decalogue of the perfect storyteller