When Dystopia Makes You Cherish Your Life | Blindness by José Saramago | Art of Saudade

They have mouths, but do not speak; eyes, but do not see. They have ears, but do not hear; noses, but do not smell. They have hands, but do not feel; feet, but do not walk; and they do not make a sound in their throat. Those who make them become like them; so do all who trust in them. Psalm 115:5-8  Dystopia is one … Continue reading When Dystopia Makes You Cherish Your Life | Blindness by José Saramago | Art of Saudade

More than a hero… a writer! | The Travels of Ernesto Che Guevara | Art of Saudade

“I now know, by an almost fatalistic conformity with the facts, that my destiny is to travel…” Che Guevara “This young adventurer, endowed with a thirst for knowledge and a great capacity to love, shows us how reality, if well interpreted, can move a man to the point of changing his way of thinking.”, says Che’s daughter Aleida Guevara March in the preface to The … Continue reading More than a hero… a writer! | The Travels of Ernesto Che Guevara | Art of Saudade

Did Albert Camus Really Predict The Pandemic? | Art of Saudade

Lockdown, transmission, and quarantine are some of the words that have been part of our daily vocabulary for the past two years. These same words can be found in Camus’ philosophical novel The Plague. Published only two years after the Second World War, many literary critics believe that the plague symbolizes the battle against Nazism. However, digging into the book, it is easy to conclude … Continue reading Did Albert Camus Really Predict The Pandemic? | Art of Saudade

Duke Ellington and his mistress named Music | Art of Saudade

Jazz music follows no rules. The beauty of jazz lies in improvisation and spontaneity. Unlike monarchies, the kingdom of Jazz imposed no rules or limitations. That’s why it’s hard to name one and only king or queen of jazz. Miles Davis, Louis Armstrong, Chet Baker, Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald… All of these jazz masters are worthy of being called kings and queens.  One of the … Continue reading Duke Ellington and his mistress named Music | Art of Saudade

Fear Of The Other According To Montaigne | Art of Saudade

Only a little less than a century after the Europeans “discovered” new lands, one of the greatest French thinkers Montaigne meets someone who spent some time with the “barbarous and savage cannibals”, as they called the Indigenous people.  Where did the word ‘barbarous’ come from? The name barbarous was given by the Greeks to any people that didn’t speak their language. The term simply meant … Continue reading Fear Of The Other According To Montaigne | Art of Saudade

How To Postpone The End Of The World | Dia do Indio | Art of Saudade

Relax. This title is a provocation, says the author Ailton Krenak, activist of the socio-environmental and indigenous rights movement in Brazil. We’re not so doomed, yet. There is still a chance to reconnect with Nature. Today is the Dia do Indio (Indian Day) in Brazil and it’s a perfect occasion to remember the truth about nature told by the wise Indigenous communities. “I don’t understand … Continue reading How To Postpone The End Of The World | Dia do Indio | Art of Saudade

Remembering as an act of courage | Eduardo Galeano’s memory of the open veins of Latin America | Art of Saudade

The Uruguayan thinker, dreamer, and truth-teller Eduardo Galeano died on this day in 2015, aged 74. Inspired by the Cuban revolution, Galeano spent his lifetime serving and glorifying his beloved Latin America. Who was Eduardo Galeano? “I’m a writer,” he said, “obsessed with remembering, with remembering the past of America and above all that of Latin America, intimate land condemned to amnesia.” Galeano had for … Continue reading Remembering as an act of courage | Eduardo Galeano’s memory of the open veins of Latin America | Art of Saudade

Meet The Woman Who Inspired The Little Prince’s Beloved Rose | Art of Saudade

Who Was Consuelo de Saint-Exupéry? Consuelo Consuelo chérie,Dépêchez-vous de revenir…(Consuelo Consuelo darling, hurry back home…) – Excerpt from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s letter to his wife Consuelo The Rose in The Little Prince is self-obsessed, vain, and naïve… yet she is the only rose worthy of the Little Prince’s love. So was Consuelo to Antoine. She had the bad habit of not replying to his letters. … Continue reading Meet The Woman Who Inspired The Little Prince’s Beloved Rose | Art of Saudade

A World Full Of Baobab Trees And Roses | The Little Prince 79 Years Later | Art of Saudade

What book would you bring if you were stranded on a desert island? I don’t have to think twice. I’d definitely take a tale under 100 pages that will make me travel the universe and remind me of the essence of human nature. The Little Prince. Hey, that’s a simple children’s book, you might say. And it’s overrated. Hmm, are you sure that a book … Continue reading A World Full Of Baobab Trees And Roses | The Little Prince 79 Years Later | Art of Saudade

March 27 | The Day Yuri Gagarin Returned To Space | Art of Saudade

On 12 April 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first human to travel into space and the first astronaut to orbit the earth in his spaceflight ‘Vostok 1’. Born in 1934, Yuri’s childhood was scarred by conflicts and suffering. In 1941, Nazi soldiers who occupied his village and burned down his school ended his first year of education. The end of the war was the beginning … Continue reading March 27 | The Day Yuri Gagarin Returned To Space | Art of Saudade