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Exploring Cultural Contrasts: Living as a Foreigner in France and Portugal

Moving abroad is like turning the pages of a thrilling adventure novel. It’s a journey that opens your horizons and transforms your very essence. Leaving behind the familiar faces of family and friends, getting out of the comfort zone, and embracing the unknown is an experience that leaves an indelible mark on your soul. No matter how close the new country might seem to your … Continue reading Exploring Cultural Contrasts: Living as a Foreigner in France and Portugal

Overcoming Post-Erasmus Depression: Tips for Embracing Life After Studying Abroad | Art of Saudade

As the world becomes more connected, it’s easier than ever to travel and experience new cultures. For students, programs like Erasmus offer a unique opportunity to live and study in a foreign country, gaining new perspectives and creating lifelong memories.  But what happens when the program ends and you have to return home? Many students experience what’s known as Post-Erasmus Depression, a sense of loss … Continue reading Overcoming Post-Erasmus Depression: Tips for Embracing Life After Studying Abroad | Art of Saudade

A Journey Through Time: Exploring Coimbra’s Rich History and Culture | Art of Saudade

From the picturesque streets lined with traditional Portuguese architecture to the rich history embedded within its walls, Coimbra is a city filled with charm and unique culture. With its large student population, this city located in the north of Portugal is a lively and youthful place, with a thriving nightlife and a diverse cultural scene. According to locals though, Coimbra gets quite empty in August, … Continue reading A Journey Through Time: Exploring Coimbra’s Rich History and Culture | Art of Saudade

6 choses que j’ai apprises en 6 mois en France

J’ai passé 6 mois en France en tant qu’étudiante internationale et voilà ce que j’ai appris : 1. On n’est jamais content ! Ce n’est pas de ma faute ! C’est mon premier souvenir de la France : les fameuses manifs ! C’est que je suis arrivée en France pendant les manifestations (et oui, ça ne vous dit rien parce qu’il y en a tout le temps, je sais, je … Continue reading 6 choses que j’ai apprises en 6 mois en France

Erasmus changed my life and it will change yours too

Let me tell you about my first Erasmus experience – in the middle of a pandemic, or, was it my first pandemic experience in the middle of my Erasmus exchange? I will never know. I spent the past six months in a small town in France as an Erasmus student. If you’ve never heard of the Erasmus Exchange Programme, I bet you’ve already heard of … Continue reading Erasmus changed my life and it will change yours too