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Unveiling Saint-Just: A Journey into Lyon’s Ancient Heart

Lyon, the third largest city in France, holds within its cobblestone streets and ancient structures a rich tapestry of history and culture. As you wander through its picturesque alleys and historic neighborhoods, you can’t help but feel transported back in time. Join me as we embark on a journey through the real old and historic Lyon, where every corner reveals a story waiting to be … Continue reading Unveiling Saint-Just: A Journey into Lyon’s Ancient Heart

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French Alps: Lessons in Resilience and Environmental Awareness | Art of Saudade

In the heart of the French Alps lies a realm of snow-kissed aesthetics and profound life lessons. Join me on a journey through the picturesque towns of Chamonix and Courchevel, where the majestic mountains serve as both obstacles and sources of strength. Chamonix, cradled amidst the peaks, served as a poignant reminder of nature’s vulnerability. Despite its allure, the absence of snow hinted at the … Continue reading French Alps: Lessons in Resilience and Environmental Awareness | Art of Saudade

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Cannes Photo Gallery: Explore the Allure of the French Riviera | Art of Saudade

With the promise of spring lingering in the air, this photo gallery captures the essence of Cannes’ azure seas, sun-kissed beaches, and charming streets. While the Cannes Film Festival may attract throngs of visitors in May, our local insights reveal a different side to this coastal haven. Navigating the city during the festival can be a challenge, compared to the tranquility that can be found … Continue reading Cannes Photo Gallery: Explore the Allure of the French Riviera | Art of Saudade

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Pages and Passports: Exploring Europe’s Literary Landmarks for the Ultimate Travel Adventure | Art of Saudade

Embarking on a literary journey is like traveling through time and space, where the pages of books unfold into landscapes brimming with history, culture, and imagination. For book lovers, exploring iconic destinations that have inspired renowned authors and poets adds an extra layer of enchantment to their travels. In this blog post, we’ll delve into a selection of Europe’s literary landmarks, each offering a unique … Continue reading Pages and Passports: Exploring Europe’s Literary Landmarks for the Ultimate Travel Adventure | Art of Saudade

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Guided by Paul Valéry in Montpellier: Unveiling the Charms of a City Guided by Its Poet | Art of Saudade

Embark on a poetic journey in Montpellier, South of France, with Paul Valéry as your guide. In this travel guide, we’ll explore the city through the eyes of its greatest poet, discovering the places that inspired Valéry’s verses and unleashing the wanderlust of a literary soul in the heart of the Mediterranean. Nestled in the warmth of the South of France, Montpellier holds more than … Continue reading Guided by Paul Valéry in Montpellier: Unveiling the Charms of a City Guided by Its Poet | Art of Saudade

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Unpacking Emotions: Kristeva’s Journey through Nostalgia and the ‘Silence of Polyglots’ | Art of Saudade

Literature is magic. Philosophy and psychology, on the other hand, are the alchemists attempting to distill the essence of this magic into the structured language of science. Today, we’re delving into the intriguing world of Julia Kristeva’s ‘Étrangers à nous-mêmes’ (Strangers to Ourselves), a masterpiece that landed in my hands amidst the hustle of moving from one ‘foreign’ land to another. Here I am, at … Continue reading Unpacking Emotions: Kristeva’s Journey through Nostalgia and the ‘Silence of Polyglots’ | Art of Saudade

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Lyon’s Fête des Lumières: Unveiling Historical Wonders and Contemporary Artistry | Art of Saudade

Immerse yourself in Lyon’s Fête des Lumières as we journey through historical squares like Bellecour and Jacobins. Explore the enchanting blend of tradition and innovation in this radiant celebration. As night descends on the 8th of December, Lyon transforms into a medieval dreamscape. The soft glow of candles adorning windowsills weaves a tapestry of tradition, harkening back to a time when the people of this … Continue reading Lyon’s Fête des Lumières: Unveiling Historical Wonders and Contemporary Artistry | Art of Saudade

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Clichés Confirmed: Unveiling the True French Lifestyle | Art of Saudade

Disclaimer: While recognizing the diversity within any culture, certain stereotypes simply persist. This playful exploration delves into some French clichés that, despite efforts to stay politically correct, seem to hold their ground. 😃 The Solo Act at the Café Scene The classic scene of a Frenchman leisurely smoking and engrossed in a book at a café isn’t just a cliché; it’s a living vignette. While … Continue reading Clichés Confirmed: Unveiling the True French Lifestyle | Art of Saudade

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Exploring Cultural Contrasts: Living as a Foreigner in France and Portugal

Moving abroad is like turning the pages of a thrilling adventure novel. It’s a journey that opens your horizons and transforms your very essence. Leaving behind the familiar faces of family and friends, getting out of the comfort zone, and embracing the unknown is an experience that leaves an indelible mark on your soul. No matter how close the new country might seem to your … Continue reading Exploring Cultural Contrasts: Living as a Foreigner in France and Portugal

Rainy Days in The City of Light: A Photo Journey | Paris Photography | Art of Saudade

When I planned my trip to Paris in April, I expected to find the city of love in full bloom with sunny skies. However, when I arrived, I was greeted with a different reality: rain and fog. As I traveled from Montpellier, the south of France, I was not prepared for the drastic difference in weather between the two regions. I realized that France is … Continue reading Rainy Days in The City of Light: A Photo Journey | Paris Photography | Art of Saudade