5 Lessons You Can Learn From Rumi | Inspirational Quotes To Live By | Art of Saudade

When life gives you pain, transform it into gold. Where there is ruin, there is hope for a treasure. Where there is a wound, there is light entering. 13th-century Persian poet Rumi spent his life traveling and meditating on the meaning of life. Contemplating the universe, he became aware of life’s biggest mysteries and shared them with humanity in the most glorious form – poetry. … Continue reading 5 Lessons You Can Learn From Rumi | Inspirational Quotes To Live By | Art of Saudade

The Power of Silence | Confucius and Rumi Quotes That Still Resonate Today | Art of Saudade

Silence is golden. Imagine how many conflicts could have been avoided if we remained silent. Now think about the good decision you could have made if you chose to take your time and consider it in silence. Silence gives answers. – Rumi All the words sharper than knives could simply be replaced with… silence. Let silence take you to the core of life. – Rumi … Continue reading The Power of Silence | Confucius and Rumi Quotes That Still Resonate Today | Art of Saudade

March 27 | The Day Yuri Gagarin Returned To Space | Art of Saudade

On 12 April 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first human to travel into space and the first astronaut to orbit the earth in his spaceflight ‘Vostok 1’. Born in 1934, Yuri’s childhood was scarred by conflicts and suffering. In 1941, Nazi soldiers who occupied his village and burned down his school ended his first year of education. The end of the war was the beginning … Continue reading March 27 | The Day Yuri Gagarin Returned To Space | Art of Saudade

HOLI – The Festival of Spring and Colors | Art of Saudade

The colorless days of winter are slowly melting away (at least in the northern hemisphere). Holi, one of the most popular and oldest Hindu festivals, welcomes the arrival of Spring as the triumph of good over evil, hope over deception and joy over despair. Celebrating Holi Every year, starting on the evening of the Purnima (Full Moon Day), people in India (but not only) celebrate … Continue reading HOLI – The Festival of Spring and Colors | Art of Saudade

From a Ukrainian Refugee to a Brazilian Writer: Clarice Lispector | Art of Saudade

1920. The Jewish-Ukrainian family Lispector welcomed their third baby, a healthy baby girl that they decided to name Chaya, the Hebrew word for ‘Life’. Little did they know that this little girl was going to become one of the greatest writers on the other side of the world. 1922. Clarice is a little more than a year old when their parents decide to leave. Where? … Continue reading From a Ukrainian Refugee to a Brazilian Writer: Clarice Lispector | Art of Saudade