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Netflix & Learn: A Linguistic Adventure in Uruguayan Spanish through a Documentary Journey | Art of Saudade

In the era of streaming, Netflix has become a treasure trove for language enthusiasts seeking to immerse themselves in the richness of different dialects and idioms. One such documentary that offers a linguistic adventure is the captivating exploration of Uruguay’s history and culture through the eyes of its “poorest president,” Pepe Mujica, as interviewed by the legendary Emir Kusturica in “El Pepe, a Supreme Life”. … Continue reading Netflix & Learn: A Linguistic Adventure in Uruguayan Spanish through a Documentary Journey | Art of Saudade

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Lost in Translation: The Hilarity and Headaches of Juggling Spanish and Portuguese | Art of Saudade

Welcome to the chaotic yet captivating world of bilingual brain gymnastics! If you’ve ever found yourself caught between the linguistic acrobatics of Spanish and Portuguese, you’re in for a hilarious ride. This post is all about the funny and tricky moments of speaking two languages. In this post, we’re exploring the beauty and challenges of multilingualism, where false friends, linguistic traps, and unpronounceable words are … Continue reading Lost in Translation: The Hilarity and Headaches of Juggling Spanish and Portuguese | Art of Saudade

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Savoring Split: Your Ultimate Guide to Sun, Sea, and Stunning History

So, you’ve decided to explore this beautiful coastal gem on the Adriatic Sea. You’re in for a treat – Split is like a time capsule that blends ancient history with modern vibes.  Split’s Seaside Splendor  First things first, you can’t visit Split without hitting the beaches. Bačvice Beach is where it’s at, with its golden sands and crystal-clear waters. Oh, and don’t forget to try … Continue reading Savoring Split: Your Ultimate Guide to Sun, Sea, and Stunning History

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Uniting Cultures in Your Town – A Guide to Organizing Language Exchange Events | Art of Saudade

Living in a small community with international residents can be a wonderful opportunity to connect with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures. In my experience, organizing language exchange events in the town of Águeda, Portugal, has not only bridged language barriers but also fostered meaningful connections between individuals from different corners of the world. Getting Started: The Birth of Babel Águeda The idea for Babel … Continue reading Uniting Cultures in Your Town – A Guide to Organizing Language Exchange Events | Art of Saudade

Polyglots On The Road | How To Learn A Language While Traveling | Art of Saudade

Traveling is one of the most fruitful sources of knowledge. The life lessons we learn on the road are unique and priceless. If you’re a language learner, one of the best investments you can make on your language-learning journey is to immerse yourself in your target language. Traveling to any destination can open doors for you to come across people from around the world and … Continue reading Polyglots On The Road | How To Learn A Language While Traveling | Art of Saudade

Languages Matter | Polyglot Gathering In Poland 2022 | Art of Saudade

Languages shape our thoughts and the way we see the world. We have all heard the saying “to have another language is to possess a second soul”. Today, more than ever, we can all learn a new language and acquire a new soul.  Find out how Kato Lomb, one of the most efficient polyglots of the 20th century, acquired more than 16 different languages as … Continue reading Languages Matter | Polyglot Gathering In Poland 2022 | Art of Saudade

How Do Polyglots Learn So Many Languages? | The Story Of Kató Lomb | Art of Saudade

Why do some language learners reach fluency faster than others? How come some people can learn more languages than others? Is there such a thing as an “innate ability” for learning foreign languages? Kató Lomb, the most multilingual woman in the 20th century, debunked all the myths about learning languages in her book Polyglot: How I Learn Languages. Born in 1909, in Hungary, she only … Continue reading How Do Polyglots Learn So Many Languages? | The Story Of Kató Lomb | Art of Saudade

Learn Absolutely Anything With Mind Mapping | Art of Saudade

Have you ever struggled with learning unfamiliar concepts or ideas?  Have you ever thought there was something wrong with your memory just because you couldn’t retain a simple phrase? Maybe we shouldn’t blame our minds, but the way we were taught to learn. Traditionally, we are used to taking notes in a linear style, creating long texts which are difficult to read and are mentally … Continue reading Learn Absolutely Anything With Mind Mapping | Art of Saudade

Rumi: Lost in translation

I believe in love at first read. Rumi’s poems always felt like a healing balm to my soul. I remember the day I realized I couldn’t rely on English translations of Rumi’s works. I was like Rumi in this picture. We know that no translation can ever replace the original and we are unfortunately unable to learn all the languages in the world. Many literary … Continue reading Rumi: Lost in translation

Rumi’s Dance

Rumi’s poetry is based on Sufi mysticism, spirituality and most importantly, love. Sufis dance “like nobody’s watching, love like they’ve never been hurt and live like it’s heaven on earth”, as a wise man once said. However, according to Sufism, there is indeed someone watching – God, and love can never hurt since there is no love without sacrifice. But Sufis dance like there is … Continue reading Rumi’s Dance