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On the Art of Humbleness | Art of Saudade

The word ‘humble’ comes from the Latin humilis (“low, slight”) or the ability to become smaller, to go lower. Now compare the original Greek term, χαμαλός (khamalós), from humus (“the earth, ground”), humi (“on the ground”). Interestingly, ‘humiliating’ has the same origins. Yet, humbleness is an art of life, while humiliating is a disconnection from life. Humiliating others or oneself has nothing to do with … Continue reading On the Art of Humbleness | Art of Saudade

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The Eternal Cycle of Poetry: Celebrating Fernando Pessoa and Kocho Racin

In the realm of literature, June 13th marks a poignant juxtaposition of poetic births and farewells. On this day, we commemorate the luminous life of Fernando Pessoa, born in Lisbon, a figure whose poetic prowess transcends boundaries and echoes the essence of humanity itself. Pessoa, a beacon of plural poetry, embodies the profound belief that poetry is the primitive language—sublime, sophisticated, divine. Holy books resonate … Continue reading The Eternal Cycle of Poetry: Celebrating Fernando Pessoa and Kocho Racin

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The Art of Morning Pages: Unlocking the Power of Stream of Consciousness | Art of Saudade

Let’s talk about journaling. We’ve all been there, right? Starting strong, full of motivation, only to fizzle out after a week or two. It’s frustrating, isn’t it? But hey, there’s a gem of a practice that might just change the game for you – Morning Pages. Now, I’ll admit, I used to struggle with keeping up with my journal too. But then I stumbled upon … Continue reading The Art of Morning Pages: Unlocking the Power of Stream of Consciousness | Art of Saudade

How to Master Shoshin: The Art of Embracing a Beginner’s Mind | Art of Saudade

Have you ever tried to approach a task with the mindset of a total beginner, even if you were an expert in the field? While it may seem easy to adopt a beginner’s mind and approach new challenges with a fresh perspective, the reality can be far more challenging. So, why is Shoshin such a powerful and fruitful philosophy of life? By embracing this mindset, … Continue reading How to Master Shoshin: The Art of Embracing a Beginner’s Mind | Art of Saudade

Jorge Luis Borges on Life and Regrets | Art of Saudade

“Any life, however long and complicated it may be, actually consists of a single moment — the moment when a man knows forevermore who he is.” –Jorge Luis Borges Only 20th-century writer Jorge Luis Borges could poetically express the essence of life without using any poetry. During his childhood, he had everything to become one of the best storytellers in the world: his mother often … Continue reading Jorge Luis Borges on Life and Regrets | Art of Saudade

Best Of – Fernando Pessoa’s Thoughts on Life, Dreams, and Love | Art of Saudade

During those hours when the landscape forms a halo around Life, and dream is simply a matter of dreaming oneself, I created, O my love, in the silence of my disquiet, this strange book like a series of arches opening up at the end of some abandoned avenue. Fernando Pessoa, The Book of Disquiet To write is to live. To dream is to find yourself. …

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A World Full Of Baobab Trees And Roses | The Little Prince 79 Years Later | Art of Saudade

What book would you bring if you were stranded on a desert island? I don’t have to think twice. I’d definitely take a tale under 100 pages that will make me travel the universe and remind me of the essence of human nature. The Little Prince. Hey, that’s a simple children’s book, you might say. And it’s overrated. Hmm, are you sure that a book … Continue reading A World Full Of Baobab Trees And Roses | The Little Prince 79 Years Later | Art of Saudade

March 27 | The Day Yuri Gagarin Returned To Space | Art of Saudade

On 12 April 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first human to travel into space and the first astronaut to orbit the earth in his spaceflight ‘Vostok 1’. Born in 1934, Yuri’s childhood was scarred by conflicts and suffering. In 1941, Nazi soldiers who occupied his village and burned down his school ended his first year of education. The end of the war was the beginning … Continue reading March 27 | The Day Yuri Gagarin Returned To Space | Art of Saudade

Learning to love… the hard way | 122 Years of Erich Fromm | Art of Saudade

March 23, 1900: a boy is born into an Orthodox Jewish family in Frankfurt, Germany. 22 years later and a few years before the Nazi ideology started to rise in Germany, he completed his Ph.D. with a dissertation named “On Jewish Law”. If your teachers are Alfred Weber (brother of the famous sociologist Max Weber), the philosophers Karl Jaspers and Heinrich Rickert, there’s no doubt … Continue reading Learning to love… the hard way | 122 Years of Erich Fromm | Art of Saudade

From a Ukrainian Refugee to a Brazilian Writer: Clarice Lispector | Art of Saudade

1920. The Jewish-Ukrainian family Lispector welcomed their third baby, a healthy baby girl that they decided to name Chaya, the Hebrew word for ‘Life’. Little did they know that this little girl was going to become one of the greatest writers on the other side of the world. 1922. Clarice is a little more than a year old when their parents decide to leave. Where? … Continue reading From a Ukrainian Refugee to a Brazilian Writer: Clarice Lispector | Art of Saudade