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Enchanting Facts About This Europe’s Hidden Jewel | Ohrid, Macedonia | Art of Saudade

Lake Ohrid, a serene masterpiece over 3 million years in the making, glistens beneath the azure sky of Macedonia. Its tranquil waters reflect the city’s rich history, beckoning you to unravel the stories held within. 365 Churches: A Tale of Spiritual Splendor Step into a realm where devotion takes architectural form. The “City of 365 Churches”, also known as the “Jerusalem of the Balkans”, reveals … Continue reading Enchanting Facts About This Europe’s Hidden Jewel | Ohrid, Macedonia | Art of Saudade

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Unveiling the Balkans: Exploring Myths and Realities of a Captivating Journey | Art of Saudade

Embarking on a journey through the Balkans is like diving into a treasure trove of diverse cultures, breathtaking landscapes, and fascinating history. From the rugged peaks of the high mountains to the azure waters of the Adriatic Sea, this captivating region is often shrouded in misconceptions and unknown truths. Myth: The Balkans are Unsafe Many people associate the Balkans with past conflicts and assume it’s … Continue reading Unveiling the Balkans: Exploring Myths and Realities of a Captivating Journey | Art of Saudade

Museum of Yugoslavia in Belgrade | Reminiscence of a Country Torn Apart | Art of Saudade

More than one century ago, Slovenes, Croats, Serbs, Bosnians, Montenegrins, and Macedonians realized that there was more that united them than divided them. South Slavs (or “Yugoslavs”) speak similar languages, have more or less the same mentality, customs, and traditions, and have had pretty much the same vibrant fusion of cultures throughout the years. At the end of World War I and after five centuries … Continue reading Museum of Yugoslavia in Belgrade | Reminiscence of a Country Torn Apart | Art of Saudade

Where History and Nature Meet | Reasons To Add Skopje To Your Bucket List | Art of Saudade

The chances that Skopje, the capital of Macedonia, is on your bucket list may be low, but this post will change your mind.  This city located in the heart of the Balkans will conquer the hearts of history lovers. Inhabited since the Neolithic era, Skopje became part of Dardania, the Roman, Byzantine, Bulgarian, Serbian, and Ottoman Empires. Today, the Macedonian capital is a witness to … Continue reading Where History and Nature Meet | Reasons To Add Skopje To Your Bucket List | Art of Saudade

7 Cities, 7 Sunsets | Art of Saudade

“Every sunset brings the promise of a new dawn.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson There is something special about sunsets. Observing the sun setting comforts me. No matter where I go, the sun melting on the horizon brings me one message of hope: you are home. One of my favorite hobbies is capturing these magical moments of the day. Here are my top 7 sunsets from … Continue reading 7 Cities, 7 Sunsets | Art of Saudade

Where Nature Begins and Never Ends – 7 Awe-inspiring Views From Matka Canyon | Art of Saudade

Rock climbers, kayakers, lakes, and caves… this breath-taking landscape can be found at Matka Canyon, one of the most beautiful landmarks in Macedonia. Known for its blend of nature and history, the Canyon is home to medieval churches, monasteries, and an ancient fortress. But what always beats man-made beauty is, of course, the imperishable natural beauty. And there is no shortage of natural wonders to … Continue reading Where Nature Begins and Never Ends – 7 Awe-inspiring Views From Matka Canyon | Art of Saudade

Discover Macedonian poetry: #3 Aco Sopov – The Wind Carries Beautiful Weather

The wind carries beautiful weather. It raves within us, then resounds. It carries beautiful weather. All that’s lovely is bright but changes, and grief remains. Sometimes grief stretches inside us, lies down in our eyes and thickens the layers that dim the lights we watch. Then an aching of awe blows cold and lost, unknown inside us, haunting us deep. But then again grief plays … Continue reading Discover Macedonian poetry: #3 Aco Sopov – The Wind Carries Beautiful Weather

Discover Macedonian poetry: #2 Kočo Racin

Kosta Solev (1908-1943) is one of the most important Macedonian poets. As a socialist activist, he dedicated his verses to the people. He published his collection “White Dawns” under the pseudonyme K.Racin. Persecuted by his political opponents, his life ended tragically at the age of 34.Racin’s story proves the power of words and the danger of telling the truth. As Emily Dickinson said, “Tell all … Continue reading Discover Macedonian poetry: #2 Kočo Racin

Discover Macedonian poetry: #1 Konstantin Miladinov – T’ga za jug

Poetry is an outcry from the deepest corners of the human heart. Poems are an outburst of a nation’s sorrow. If you want to understand a nation, read their poetry, listen to their songs, and hear their stories. Today I’m sharing with you one of the most beautiful Macedonian poems filled with nostalgic feelings of a poet exiled from his motherland.If you ever come to … Continue reading Discover Macedonian poetry: #1 Konstantin Miladinov – T’ga za jug