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On the Art of Humbleness | Art of Saudade

The word ‘humble’ comes from the Latin humilis (“low, slight”) or the ability to become smaller, to go lower. Now compare the original Greek term, χαμαλός (khamalós), from humus (“the earth, ground”), humi (“on the ground”). Interestingly, ‘humiliating’ has the same origins. Yet, humbleness is an art of life, while humiliating is a disconnection from life. Humiliating others or oneself has nothing to do with … Continue reading On the Art of Humbleness | Art of Saudade

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The Stoic Guide to Modern Resilience: Insights from Seneca | Art of Saudade

In the bustling landscape of modern life, finding solace in ancient wisdom might seem like a quaint notion. Yet, delve into the teachings of Seneca, the illustrious Stoic philosopher from ancient Rome, and you’ll uncover a treasure trove of insights that resonate deeply with the complexities of our contemporary existence.  As a prominent Stoic philosopher living in ancient Rome during the first century AD, Seneca … Continue reading The Stoic Guide to Modern Resilience: Insights from Seneca | Art of Saudade

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The Stoic Guide to Modern Resilience: Insights from Marcus Aurelius | Art of Saudade

In a world filled with uncertainty and challenges, the wisdom of the ancient Stoics offers invaluable guidance on how to navigate life’s storms with grace and resilience. Among these revered philosophers, Marcus Aurelius stands out as a beacon of wisdom and introspection. As the Roman Emperor known for his philosophical inclinations, Marcus Aurelius left behind a timeless masterpiece of Stoic philosophy: “Meditations.” In this article, … Continue reading The Stoic Guide to Modern Resilience: Insights from Marcus Aurelius | Art of Saudade

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Embracing JOMO: The Art of Finding Joy in Missing Out | Art of Saudade

In the vast landscape of human desires, there exists a spectrum that transitions from the insatiable hunger of FOMO to the serene contentment of JOMO. We’ve all embarked on this journey, whether consciously or not, as we navigate through the ebbs and flows of life’s ambitions and social pressures. Picture yourself at 18, with the world at your feet, dreams as vast as the horizon, … Continue reading Embracing JOMO: The Art of Finding Joy in Missing Out | Art of Saudade

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Reading: An Act of Rebellion in a Time of Short Attention Spans and Instant Gratification | Art of Saudade

In an era dominated by social media and fleeting moments of gratification, the act of reading stands as a rebellious stance against the tide of short attention spans and instant satisfaction. It’s easy to dismiss concerns about attention and concentration as mere millennial paranoia, but the reality is far more concerning. Think about it – our brains are being trained to seek instant gratification through … Continue reading Reading: An Act of Rebellion in a Time of Short Attention Spans and Instant Gratification | Art of Saudade

How to Master Shoshin: The Art of Embracing a Beginner’s Mind | Art of Saudade

Have you ever tried to approach a task with the mindset of a total beginner, even if you were an expert in the field? While it may seem easy to adopt a beginner’s mind and approach new challenges with a fresh perspective, the reality can be far more challenging. So, why is Shoshin such a powerful and fruitful philosophy of life? By embracing this mindset, … Continue reading How to Master Shoshin: The Art of Embracing a Beginner’s Mind | Art of Saudade