Inside The Museum Of Nikola Tesla, The Mysterious Man Who Predicted The 21st Century | Art of Saudade

Legend has it that Einstein was once asked what it was like to be the smartest man alive. His answer was: “I don’t know, you’ll have to ask Nikola Tesla.” Tesla’s estimated IQ between 160 and 310 is not what made him the smartest man in the world. The truth is, if it wasn’t for Tesla, we could hardly imagine the 21st century the way … Continue reading Inside The Museum Of Nikola Tesla, The Mysterious Man Who Predicted The 21st Century | Art of Saudade

5 Can’t-Miss Places In Belgrade, Serbia | Art of Saudade

Did you know that Belgrade means White City in Serbian? This Balkan city of lights is perhaps one of the most important cultural centers of the region. From an impressive medieval fortress to socialist buildings and museums dedicated to the most influential historical figures, Serbia’s capital offers a one-of-a-kind experience. Here are the top 5 places you don’t want to miss in Belgrade: Knez Mihailova … Continue reading 5 Can’t-Miss Places In Belgrade, Serbia | Art of Saudade