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The Eternal Cycle of Poetry: Celebrating Fernando Pessoa and Kocho Racin

In the realm of literature, June 13th marks a poignant juxtaposition of poetic births and farewells. On this day, we commemorate the luminous life of Fernando Pessoa, born in Lisbon, a figure whose poetic prowess transcends boundaries and echoes the essence of humanity itself. Pessoa, a beacon of plural poetry, embodies the profound belief that poetry is the primitive language—sublime, sophisticated, divine. Holy books resonate … Continue reading The Eternal Cycle of Poetry: Celebrating Fernando Pessoa and Kocho Racin

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What in Verse’s Name Happened to Poetry? | Art of Saudade

On March 21st, as the world celebrated International Poetry Day alongside the arrival of spring, I found myself reflecting on the enduring relevance and evolving nature of poetry. In a quest for insight, I turned to friends, posing a simple yet profound question: If poetry were a person, how would you describe its current state of health and vitality? The responses I received were as … Continue reading What in Verse’s Name Happened to Poetry? | Art of Saudade

Lost in Lisbon’s Words: A Journey Inspired by Fernando Pessoa | Art of Saudade

The enigmatic presence of Fernando Pessoa continues to guide us through Lisbon’s labyrinthine and poetic streets. Before embarking on my journey to the magnificent Portuguese capital, I made sure to read this poet’s masterpiece, a guidebook called “Lisbon – What the Tourist Should See”. By following his footsteps, I could delve deeper into the very same streets that inspired his exquisite verses, and experience the … Continue reading Lost in Lisbon’s Words: A Journey Inspired by Fernando Pessoa | Art of Saudade

Who were Lamartine and Coleridge, Two Romantic Poets Born On This Day? | Art of Saudade

A former monarchist who embraced the idea of democracy, the French poet Alphonse de Lamartine dedicated most of his life to politics. Born on this day in 1790, one year after the French revolution, this renowned French author’s destiny seemed to be marked by the thirst for freedom. However, it didn’t take him long to realize that freedom could not be found in politics. “O! … Continue reading Who were Lamartine and Coleridge, Two Romantic Poets Born On This Day? | Art of Saudade

Discover Macedonian poetry: #3 Aco Sopov – The Wind Carries Beautiful Weather

The wind carries beautiful weather. It raves within us, then resounds. It carries beautiful weather. All that’s lovely is bright but changes, and grief remains. Sometimes grief stretches inside us, lies down in our eyes and thickens the layers that dim the lights we watch. Then an aching of awe blows cold and lost, unknown inside us, haunting us deep. But then again grief plays … Continue reading Discover Macedonian poetry: #3 Aco Sopov – The Wind Carries Beautiful Weather

Discover Macedonian poetry: #1 Konstantin Miladinov – T’ga za jug

Poetry is an outcry from the deepest corners of the human heart. Poems are an outburst of a nation’s sorrow. If you want to understand a nation, read their poetry, listen to their songs, and hear their stories. Today I’m sharing with you one of the most beautiful Macedonian poems filled with nostalgic feelings of a poet exiled from his motherland.If you ever come to … Continue reading Discover Macedonian poetry: #1 Konstantin Miladinov – T’ga za jug