From a Ukrainian Refugee to a Brazilian Writer: Clarice Lispector | Art of Saudade

1920. The Jewish-Ukrainian family Lispector welcomed their third baby, a healthy baby girl that they decided to name Chaya, the Hebrew word for ‘Life’. Little did they know that this little girl was going to become one of the greatest writers on the other side of the world. 1922. Clarice is a little more than a year old when their parents decide to leave. Where? … Continue reading From a Ukrainian Refugee to a Brazilian Writer: Clarice Lispector | Art of Saudade

Banning Culture | A University In Italy Banned A Course On Dostoevsky | Art of Saudade

“Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the universe.” – Albert Einstein A few days ago, the University of Milano-Bicocca decided to suspend the course that the writer Paolo Nori was going to give on the Russian writer Fyodor Dostoevsky. The author himself explained that censoring a literature class is ridiculous.  This is not just ridiculous, it’s … Continue reading Banning Culture | A University In Italy Banned A Course On Dostoevsky | Art of Saudade