Sticky Post

Being a Woman Today: March 8, 2024 | Art of Saudade

I’d like to start this article by stating that I don’t necessarily label myself, such as a feminist. Fighting for your rights doesn’t automatically make you an -ist. I am simply a human. And I happen to be a woman. We might believe that the patriarchal system has already disappeared and that women have all the rights they need. While women may have gained rights … Continue reading Being a Woman Today: March 8, 2024 | Art of Saudade

From a Ukrainian Refugee to a Brazilian Writer: Clarice Lispector | Art of Saudade

1920. The Jewish-Ukrainian family Lispector welcomed their third baby, a healthy baby girl that they decided to name Chaya, the Hebrew word for ‘Life’. Little did they know that this little girl was going to become one of the greatest writers on the other side of the world. 1922. Clarice is a little more than a year old when their parents decide to leave. Where? … Continue reading From a Ukrainian Refugee to a Brazilian Writer: Clarice Lispector | Art of Saudade

7 inspiring female authors from around the world

Literature has traditionally been dominated by men. Try to name the first five authors that come to your mind when it comes to world literature. Most of us would think of Shakespeare, Hemingway, Hugo, Dostoevsky…  It’s much harder to name at least five female authors. According to one study, over 80 percent of the 100 most popular books were written by men. This doesn’t mean … Continue reading 7 inspiring female authors from around the world