Travel Articles

Howdy fellow wanderer!

Ready for a backpacking adventure?

I am but a wanderer who won’t simply shake the sand from the shoes (and the soul) after visiting a new place.

Every time I start a new trip, I feel like being born again. Wherever I go becomes a part of my identity: people, cultures, and languages are no longer foreign to me.
The world is a book, so how about we read more pages? Let’s embark on a new journey!

About Me

Hey there, I’m Andri.

I believe that wonderers and wanderers can change the world.

I also believe – and I’m almost convinced – that everything in life is art, including… Saudade!

Saudade is that bittersweet longing for someone, something, someplace… and it’s one of the noblest human feelings.

Art of Saudade was created to spark that little sense of wonder we all have through storytelling, backpacking, inspiring, creating, sharing & caring. ✨

Let’s go!🎒
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