Where Horizons Meet Infinity: Finisterre, Galicia | Art of Saudade

Where does the end of the world lie? Throughout history, many cultures have pondered this question, and several places have been mythologized as its final frontier. The Spanish claimed it to be in Finisterre, Galicia. The Portuguese placed it at Cabo da Roca near Lisbon. The French identified it in the Finistère region of Brittany. Yet the end of the world is not a place at all. It is where our horizons end, a boundary that continuously shifts as our minds expand.

In the mystical land of Galicia, lies the village of Finisterre, or Fisterra as the Galicians call it. This name, bestowed by the Romans, means ‘the end of the earth’. For many pilgrims walking the Camino de Santiago, it represents the culmination of their spiritual journey. They arrive to celebrate their rebirth, marked by watching the sunset and by leaving their clothing and shoes worn throughout the journey. This symbolic act signifies the shedding of their old selves and the embrace of a new beginning. Along the way, travelers are treated to the stunning landscapes of Galicia, culminating at Cape Finisterre. Here, at the milestone marked 0.00 km, they truly feel they’ve reached the world’s end.

Cape Finisterre is part of the notorious Costa da Morte, a coastline both feared and revered for its treacherous waters and rugged beauty. It is also the northernmost part of the Ría de Corcubión, one of the famed Rías Baixas. Standing atop the rocky cliffs, you are greeted by the imposing lighthouse and a breathtaking view of the endless ocean. It is said that this was the first place where the Apostle James set foot in Galicia, adding to its sacred allure. 

As the sun dips below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the Atlantic, you experience one of the most stunning sunsets on Earth. Pilgrims, tourists, and wanderers alike come to this village, drawn by its mythic status and natural beauty. The rocky cape and its iconic lighthouse are more than just picturesque spots, they are places of contemplation and transformation.

The end of the world is where our horizons meet infinity. It is a place where the physical journey ends, but the spiritual journey continues. It is where the boundaries of the known world blur into the vast expanse of the unknown. Finisterre invites you to broaden your horizons, to look beyond the edge and see that there is no true end—only new beginnings.

Pilgrims’ clothes in Finisterre

As Stephen Hawking, who visited this place, might have mused, the universe is ever-expanding, and so are our minds. The end of the world is not a finality but a doorway to infinite possibilities.

So, come to Finisterre, walk the rocky path, stand at the edge, and let your horizons expand.

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