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The Stoic Guide to Modern Resilience: Insights from Seneca | Art of Saudade

In the bustling landscape of modern life, finding solace in ancient wisdom might seem like a quaint notion. Yet, delve into the teachings of Seneca, the illustrious Stoic philosopher from ancient Rome, and you’ll uncover a treasure trove of insights that resonate deeply with the complexities of our contemporary existence.  As a prominent Stoic philosopher living in ancient Rome during the first century AD, Seneca … Continue reading The Stoic Guide to Modern Resilience: Insights from Seneca | Art of Saudade

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The Stoic Guide to Modern Resilience: Insights from Marcus Aurelius | Art of Saudade

In a world filled with uncertainty and challenges, the wisdom of the ancient Stoics offers invaluable guidance on how to navigate life’s storms with grace and resilience. Among these revered philosophers, Marcus Aurelius stands out as a beacon of wisdom and introspection. As the Roman Emperor known for his philosophical inclinations, Marcus Aurelius left behind a timeless masterpiece of Stoic philosophy: “Meditations.” In this article, … Continue reading The Stoic Guide to Modern Resilience: Insights from Marcus Aurelius | Art of Saudade

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Reading: An Act of Rebellion in a Time of Short Attention Spans and Instant Gratification | Art of Saudade

In an era dominated by social media and fleeting moments of gratification, the act of reading stands as a rebellious stance against the tide of short attention spans and instant satisfaction. It’s easy to dismiss concerns about attention and concentration as mere millennial paranoia, but the reality is far more concerning. Think about it – our brains are being trained to seek instant gratification through … Continue reading Reading: An Act of Rebellion in a Time of Short Attention Spans and Instant Gratification | Art of Saudade

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What in Verse’s Name Happened to Poetry? | Art of Saudade

On March 21st, as the world celebrated International Poetry Day alongside the arrival of spring, I found myself reflecting on the enduring relevance and evolving nature of poetry. In a quest for insight, I turned to friends, posing a simple yet profound question: If poetry were a person, how would you describe its current state of health and vitality? The responses I received were as … Continue reading What in Verse’s Name Happened to Poetry? | Art of Saudade

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French Alps: Lessons in Resilience and Environmental Awareness | Art of Saudade

In the heart of the French Alps lies a realm of snow-kissed aesthetics and profound life lessons. Join me on a journey through the picturesque towns of Chamonix and Courchevel, where the majestic mountains serve as both obstacles and sources of strength. Chamonix, cradled amidst the peaks, served as a poignant reminder of nature’s vulnerability. Despite its allure, the absence of snow hinted at the … Continue reading French Alps: Lessons in Resilience and Environmental Awareness | Art of Saudade

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How I Accidentally Learned Portuguese: A Language Love Story | Art of Saudade

Have you ever stumbled upon something unexpectedly, only to find it captivating and irresistible? This is a story about how unexpected things happen in life. How life can lead us to something, connect us with someone, or even teach us something, all by accident. I don’t believe in coincidences. No, I’m not talking about that. Isn’t it beautiful though, to accidentally discover something, to acquire … Continue reading How I Accidentally Learned Portuguese: A Language Love Story | Art of Saudade

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Pages and Passports: Exploring Europe’s Literary Landmarks for the Ultimate Travel Adventure | Art of Saudade

Embarking on a literary journey is like traveling through time and space, where the pages of books unfold into landscapes brimming with history, culture, and imagination. For book lovers, exploring iconic destinations that have inspired renowned authors and poets adds an extra layer of enchantment to their travels. In this blog post, we’ll delve into a selection of Europe’s literary landmarks, each offering a unique … Continue reading Pages and Passports: Exploring Europe’s Literary Landmarks for the Ultimate Travel Adventure | Art of Saudade

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Life 100 Years Ago – 10 Things I Learned from a 20’s French Almanac | Art of Saudade

In the heart of Lyon’s Sunday flea markets, I stumbled upon a fascinating artifact – a weathered 1927 Almanac. The Almanac, a treasure trove of information from times gone by, served as a window into the lives and minds of our ancestors, providing insights into their thoughts, habits, and quirks. As I delved into the yellowed pages of this relic, I discovered a world that … Continue reading Life 100 Years Ago – 10 Things I Learned from a 20’s French Almanac | Art of Saudade

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From Florence’s Museums to Peru’s Mystical Depths: Mario Vargas Llosa’s Nobel Literary Odyssey | Art of Saudade

Mario Vargas Llosa, the Peruvian maestro of storytelling and Nobel laureate, takes readers on an enchanting journey that spans continents and transcends time. From the vibrant streets of Florence to the mystical heart of Peru’s forests, ‘The Storyteller‘ unfolds as a captivating narrative tapestry, revealing the rich cultural mosaic that defines Llosa’s literary masterpiece. The adventure kicks off in Florence, where our protagonist seeks a … Continue reading From Florence’s Museums to Peru’s Mystical Depths: Mario Vargas Llosa’s Nobel Literary Odyssey | Art of Saudade

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Guided by Paul Valéry in Montpellier: Unveiling the Charms of a City Guided by Its Poet | Art of Saudade

Embark on a poetic journey in Montpellier, South of France, with Paul Valéry as your guide. In this travel guide, we’ll explore the city through the eyes of its greatest poet, discovering the places that inspired Valéry’s verses and unleashing the wanderlust of a literary soul in the heart of the Mediterranean. Nestled in the warmth of the South of France, Montpellier holds more than … Continue reading Guided by Paul Valéry in Montpellier: Unveiling the Charms of a City Guided by Its Poet | Art of Saudade