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How I Accidentally Learned Portuguese: A Language Love Story | Art of Saudade

Have you ever stumbled upon something unexpectedly, only to find it captivating and irresistible? This is a story about how unexpected things happen in life. How life can lead us to something, connect us with someone, or even teach us something, all by accident. I don’t believe in coincidences. No, I’m not talking about that. Isn’t it beautiful though, to accidentally discover something, to acquire … Continue reading How I Accidentally Learned Portuguese: A Language Love Story | Art of Saudade

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From Florence’s Museums to Peru’s Mystical Depths: Mario Vargas Llosa’s Nobel Literary Odyssey | Art of Saudade

Mario Vargas Llosa, the Peruvian maestro of storytelling and Nobel laureate, takes readers on an enchanting journey that spans continents and transcends time. From the vibrant streets of Florence to the mystical heart of Peru’s forests, ‘The Storyteller‘ unfolds as a captivating narrative tapestry, revealing the rich cultural mosaic that defines Llosa’s literary masterpiece. The adventure kicks off in Florence, where our protagonist seeks a … Continue reading From Florence’s Museums to Peru’s Mystical Depths: Mario Vargas Llosa’s Nobel Literary Odyssey | Art of Saudade

More than a hero… a writer! | The Travels of Ernesto Che Guevara | Art of Saudade

“I now know, by an almost fatalistic conformity with the facts, that my destiny is to travel…” Che Guevara “This young adventurer, endowed with a thirst for knowledge and a great capacity to love, shows us how reality, if well interpreted, can move a man to the point of changing his way of thinking.”, says Che’s daughter Aleida Guevara March in the preface to The … Continue reading More than a hero… a writer! | The Travels of Ernesto Che Guevara | Art of Saudade

Love In The Time Of Corona: 95 Years Of Gabriel García Márquez | Art of Saudade

Today, a Latin American lady sang La Cucaracha in a tramway full of zombies. Faces behind the screens, some of them laughing behind their masks, couldn’t care less if some middle-aged homeless woman decided to break the monotony.  La cucaracha, la cucaracha, ya no puede caminar… Honestly, she made my day. Not only did she make my day, but she also reminded me of the … Continue reading Love In The Time Of Corona: 95 Years Of Gabriel García Márquez | Art of Saudade

Latin American authors you absolutely need to discover

Latin American literature is best known for its magical realism, its beautiful poems and tales. I recently read a collection named “América Latina cuenta”, a series of Latin American short stories called “Leer es fiesta” (Reading is fun). Since everything is fiesta in Latin America, I thought why reading (and writing) wouldn’t be, so I thought of discovering how true it is. The result? I … Continue reading Latin American authors you absolutely need to discover