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Life 100 Years Ago – 10 Things I Learned from a 20’s French Almanac | Art of Saudade

In the heart of Lyon’s Sunday flea markets, I stumbled upon a fascinating artifact – a weathered 1927 Almanac. The Almanac, a treasure trove of information from times gone by, served as a window into the lives and minds of our ancestors, providing insights into their thoughts, habits, and quirks. As I delved into the yellowed pages of this relic, I discovered a world that … Continue reading Life 100 Years Ago – 10 Things I Learned from a 20’s French Almanac | Art of Saudade

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From Florence’s Museums to Peru’s Mystical Depths: Mario Vargas Llosa’s Nobel Literary Odyssey | Art of Saudade

Mario Vargas Llosa, the Peruvian maestro of storytelling and Nobel laureate, takes readers on an enchanting journey that spans continents and transcends time. From the vibrant streets of Florence to the mystical heart of Peru’s forests, ‘The Storyteller‘ unfolds as a captivating narrative tapestry, revealing the rich cultural mosaic that defines Llosa’s literary masterpiece. The adventure kicks off in Florence, where our protagonist seeks a … Continue reading From Florence’s Museums to Peru’s Mystical Depths: Mario Vargas Llosa’s Nobel Literary Odyssey | Art of Saudade

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Lyon’s Fête des Lumières: Unveiling Historical Wonders and Contemporary Artistry | Art of Saudade

Immerse yourself in Lyon’s Fête des Lumières as we journey through historical squares like Bellecour and Jacobins. Explore the enchanting blend of tradition and innovation in this radiant celebration. As night descends on the 8th of December, Lyon transforms into a medieval dreamscape. The soft glow of candles adorning windowsills weaves a tapestry of tradition, harkening back to a time when the people of this … Continue reading Lyon’s Fête des Lumières: Unveiling Historical Wonders and Contemporary Artistry | Art of Saudade

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Clichés Confirmed: Unveiling the True French Lifestyle | Art of Saudade

Disclaimer: While recognizing the diversity within any culture, certain stereotypes simply persist. This playful exploration delves into some French clichés that, despite efforts to stay politically correct, seem to hold their ground. 😃 The Solo Act at the Café Scene The classic scene of a Frenchman leisurely smoking and engrossed in a book at a café isn’t just a cliché; it’s a living vignette. While … Continue reading Clichés Confirmed: Unveiling the True French Lifestyle | Art of Saudade

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Lost in Translation: The Hilarity and Headaches of Juggling Spanish and Portuguese | Art of Saudade

Welcome to the chaotic yet captivating world of bilingual brain gymnastics! If you’ve ever found yourself caught between the linguistic acrobatics of Spanish and Portuguese, you’re in for a hilarious ride. This post is all about the funny and tricky moments of speaking two languages. In this post, we’re exploring the beauty and challenges of multilingualism, where false friends, linguistic traps, and unpronounceable words are … Continue reading Lost in Translation: The Hilarity and Headaches of Juggling Spanish and Portuguese | Art of Saudade

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Exploring Cultural Contrasts: Living as a Foreigner in France and Portugal

Moving abroad is like turning the pages of a thrilling adventure novel. It’s a journey that opens your horizons and transforms your very essence. Leaving behind the familiar faces of family and friends, getting out of the comfort zone, and embracing the unknown is an experience that leaves an indelible mark on your soul. No matter how close the new country might seem to your … Continue reading Exploring Cultural Contrasts: Living as a Foreigner in France and Portugal

Carnaval Around the World: From Portugal to Rio and Beyond | Art of Saudade

Carnaval, a time of lively celebrations and colorful parades, has become a worldwide event, celebrated by people of all ages and cultures. But where did this festive occasion originate, and how has it evolved over time?  From the vibrant streets of Rio de Janeiro to the charming towns of Portugal, Carnaval brings people together. So, what does the word “Carnival” mean? Carnival, or “Carnaval” is … Continue reading Carnaval Around the World: From Portugal to Rio and Beyond | Art of Saudade

A Journey Through Time: Exploring Coimbra’s Rich History and Culture | Art of Saudade

From the picturesque streets lined with traditional Portuguese architecture to the rich history embedded within its walls, Coimbra is a city filled with charm and unique culture. With its large student population, this city located in the north of Portugal is a lively and youthful place, with a thriving nightlife and a diverse cultural scene. According to locals though, Coimbra gets quite empty in August, … Continue reading A Journey Through Time: Exploring Coimbra’s Rich History and Culture | Art of Saudade

The Art of Writing an Entire Novel Without The Letter E | Georges Perec | Art of Saudade

Can you make a sentence without using the letter E? It may seem a bit hard, but not impossible. How about a 500 characters text? It’s getting more complicated, right? Now try to write a 500 pages novel without one of the most commonly used letters in the alphabet (at least in most of the European languages). Well, this is what the French author Georges … Continue reading The Art of Writing an Entire Novel Without The Letter E | Georges Perec | Art of Saudade

Unveiling The Architectural Marvels Of The Colorful Mosque in Macedonia | Gallery | Art of Saudade

A little bit of history… 1438. The Ottomans in one small city in Macedonia decide to defy convention and create a colorful mosque. In the 15th century, during the classical Ottoman period, mosques were built in the most minimalistic way possible. No colors, no pictures, and very few symbols. Mosques were usually constructed by sultans (Ottoman monarchs) or pashas (local governors). The Šarena Džamija (Colorful … Continue reading Unveiling The Architectural Marvels Of The Colorful Mosque in Macedonia | Gallery | Art of Saudade