HOLI – The Festival of Spring and Colors | Art of Saudade

The colorless days of winter are slowly melting away (at least in the northern hemisphere). Holi, one of the most popular and oldest Hindu festivals, welcomes the arrival of Spring as the triumph of good over evil, hope over deception and joy over despair. Celebrating Holi Every year, starting on the evening of the Purnima (Full Moon Day), people in India (but not only) celebrate … Continue reading HOLI – The Festival of Spring and Colors | Art of Saudade

How To Find Your Purpose In 4 Simple Steps | Art of Saudade

If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life. What if you don’t hate Mondays and you just hate your job? Steve Jobs (no puns intended) reminds you that your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the … Continue reading How To Find Your Purpose In 4 Simple Steps | Art of Saudade

Imagine Sisyphus happy!

In his 1942 philosophical essay The Myth of Sisyphus, Camus introduces his philosophy of the absurd. We all know life can be really weird sometimes, but making a whole philosophy out of it? Only Camus is able to do that. Born in Algeria in 1913, one of the best French philosophers Albert Camus lived in a world torn apart by two World Wars. He was … Continue reading Imagine Sisyphus happy!

What Brazilian music taught me about happiness

Whenever we think of Brazil, the first thoughts that come to our mind are usually its stunning beaches, carnaval, and beautiful warm weather. We always tend to associate this image with happiness. But what does Brazilian music tell us about happiness? Listening to samba can certainly boost some serotonin and lift your mood, but have you ever thought of the origins of this famous Brazilian … Continue reading What Brazilian music taught me about happiness