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How I Accidentally Learned Portuguese: A Language Love Story | Art of Saudade

Have you ever stumbled upon something unexpectedly, only to find it captivating and irresistible? This is a story about how unexpected things happen in life. How life can lead us to something, connect us with someone, or even teach us something, all by accident. I don’t believe in coincidences. No, I’m not talking about that. Isn’t it beautiful though, to accidentally discover something, to acquire … Continue reading How I Accidentally Learned Portuguese: A Language Love Story | Art of Saudade

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Lost in Translation: The Hilarity and Headaches of Juggling Spanish and Portuguese | Art of Saudade

Welcome to the chaotic yet captivating world of bilingual brain gymnastics! If you’ve ever found yourself caught between the linguistic acrobatics of Spanish and Portuguese, you’re in for a hilarious ride. This post is all about the funny and tricky moments of speaking two languages. In this post, we’re exploring the beauty and challenges of multilingualism, where false friends, linguistic traps, and unpronounceable words are … Continue reading Lost in Translation: The Hilarity and Headaches of Juggling Spanish and Portuguese | Art of Saudade

Carnaval Around the World: From Portugal to Rio and Beyond | Art of Saudade

Carnaval, a time of lively celebrations and colorful parades, has become a worldwide event, celebrated by people of all ages and cultures. But where did this festive occasion originate, and how has it evolved over time?  From the vibrant streets of Rio de Janeiro to the charming towns of Portugal, Carnaval brings people together. So, what does the word “Carnival” mean? Carnival, or “Carnaval” is … Continue reading Carnaval Around the World: From Portugal to Rio and Beyond | Art of Saudade

Brazilian literature: Life In The Brazilian Backlands | Vidas Secas by Graciliano Ramos | Art of Saudade

Vidas Secas is one of the greatest classics of Brazilian literature. Published in 1938, this novel tells the tragic story of a poor family living in the Northeast Region of Brazil and describes their everyday life. The cyclical way of writing that the author adopts makes it possible to read the first chapter as a continuation of the last chapter. This means that the destiny … Continue reading Brazilian literature: Life In The Brazilian Backlands | Vidas Secas by Graciliano Ramos | Art of Saudade

How To Postpone The End Of The World | Dia do Indio | Art of Saudade

Relax. This title is a provocation, says the author Ailton Krenak, activist of the socio-environmental and indigenous rights movement in Brazil. We’re not so doomed, yet. There is still a chance to reconnect with Nature. Today is the Dia do Indio (Indian Day) in Brazil and it’s a perfect occasion to remember the truth about nature told by the wise Indigenous communities. “I don’t understand … Continue reading How To Postpone The End Of The World | Dia do Indio | Art of Saudade

From a Ukrainian Refugee to a Brazilian Writer: Clarice Lispector | Art of Saudade

1920. The Jewish-Ukrainian family Lispector welcomed their third baby, a healthy baby girl that they decided to name Chaya, the Hebrew word for ‘Life’. Little did they know that this little girl was going to become one of the greatest writers on the other side of the world. 1922. Clarice is a little more than a year old when their parents decide to leave. Where? … Continue reading From a Ukrainian Refugee to a Brazilian Writer: Clarice Lispector | Art of Saudade

Brazilian literature: #2 João Guimarães Rosa – The Devil to Pay in the Backlands

João Guimarães Rosa – who on earth is this guy and how do you even pronounce his name? Well, this is the author you cannot miss if you want to discover Brazilian literature. Novelist, poet, diplomat and polyglot, Rosa’s work is one of the best literary achievements in the world. His story The Devil to Pay in the Backlands was named among the best 100 … Continue reading Brazilian literature: #2 João Guimarães Rosa – The Devil to Pay in the Backlands

Brazilian literature: #2 João Guimarães Rosa – Magma

João Guimarães Rosa is one of the names of Brazilian literature you absolutely need to know. Most known for his best-seller The Devil to Pay in the Backlands, he also published short stories and poetry. I decided to discover this author through his verses, a collection of poems called Magma, published posthumously in 1997. In his lifetime, João Guimarães Rosa never thought his work was … Continue reading Brazilian literature: #2 João Guimarães Rosa – Magma

Brazilian literature: #1 Jorge Amado – Captains of the Sands

There is something mysterious and intriguing about books that were burned under dictatorships, don’t you think?  Personally, knowing that a book was prohibited by certain authorities inspires me even more to discover it. Captains of the Sands is a novel written by the Brazilian author Jorge Amado in 1937. Amado was only 25 years old when he first published the story of the abandoned children … Continue reading Brazilian literature: #1 Jorge Amado – Captains of the Sands